New babies. We welcomed my cousin's sweet little girl Kaylin into the world this Monday. Awe.

Twitter. I'm just getting the hang of it. But I'm kind of addicted! There are so many neat folks sharing the coolest, most inspiring things- my favorites are @go2publicschool, @Junkculture, and @Teenangster. If your on Twitter let's be friends (@mmhandmade).
Finding Shaun Kardinal's work (via @junkculture- told you they're good). I'm in love.

Smart friends. I am totally a type a person. That means I get super overwhelmed by everything because I want to be a hero- I wanna help everyone, do everything, and do it perfect. Of course, I can rationalize that perfect just doesn't exist but sometimes I get caught up in it all. Do you have these moments? I think we all do. They are sometimes hard to shake but its easier when you have smart friends to talk to and to support you.
What are you thankful for this week?
Kaylin is so cute! Crazy hair hahah! I have a friend name Kaylin, same spelling and everything! Awesome :)