Monday, March 21, 2011

WW and Stuff Like That

Check in time!

Woot woot! Down 1.6lbs this week. That's 6.5 lbs total!

As you can see there were a few weeks in there where things kinda... well not much happened. But as weight watchers says, it's all part of the journey. So, it's nice to see things moving again. This past week I did pretty well with being active as well as with my eating (I even started learning to TAP DANCE!! Holy crap it's so awesome- I was practicing all last night. It's one of my life dreams : ). I've been more in tune with what I'm eating and why I'm eating it, and way better with tracking. And the best part- I feel so much more comfortable in my body these days (working out and walking helps). I know 1.5 lbs seems like nothin but, it makes me feel good.

On the vegan front, I've be goin strong since the last post. I had a couple little mess ups but nothing intentional. Mostly in the begining just not thinking or being aware of ingredients- you really just have to kinda reframe your brain to be just a little more attentive. Again, I feel really proud of myself. I'm psyched. And now that I feel a little more confortable I want to start experimenting with recipes. I've got some really great cookbooks that I wanna master.

How was your weekend??

1 comment:

  1. The V-Con is an amazing cookbook! I have had it for a few years now and I still haven't cooked everything in it. I try to make something new from it every week. It really is a great cookbook (and so is her Vegan with a Vengeance book. Great job on being conscious of your health.


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