Yes that's right last night was the night! I went and saw This American Life Live in movie theaters! Last time they had this event- a little over a year ago now- I was in Denver and it was the best escape and vacation before finals, graduation, and family all came rushing towards me! We'll last night was just as good. I don't know what it is but I just love creative non- fiction. I guess hearing these stories somehoe makes me feel- well so many things! I feel so much closer to humanity, I feel understood, I feel less self-concious. Its also nice to share strong feeling with other people I've never even met before. It gives me hope and any feelings on lonelyness subside.
Needless to say it was great. Mike Bribiglia told a hilarious story about being hit by a drunk driver (I know it sounds paradoxical right). He is doing an off broadway one man show so I would love to check out!
Then was Starlee Kline who is do cute and was wearing the cutest dress! But her story was fascinating- it's one of those stories you have a hard time believing is true but know deep down it is and you are fascinated and all the while and hanging on the speaker's every word- yeah that.
Dan Savage's story was funny and heartbreaking and suspensful all at the same time. I literally cried as his recounting of his story was stopped and he tried to hold back from mourning the death of his recently deceased mother.
Finally was Joss Whedon. He created the online musical Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. Not only was it a hilarious concept with a great execution, he sang live his commentary. It was great.
Well excuse me. I am heading off to Amazon.com to buy the Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog DVD's! Yay!
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